This art is titled Saint Beaver.
Illumination style water color of a beaver, standing upright utop a wee dam, hands nearly clasped looking towards the viewer. their halo reads 'AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL'. Background is an implied mix of woodland and wetland with a partly cloudy sky.
Remember we are all conected and our actions may make or destroy the homes of our neighbors on any given day. BE A KEYSTONE SPECIES! MAKE A HOME FOR LIFE TO FLOURISH! CAST OFF THE CHAINS OF DOMINATION AND DOMINION. BE FREE AND REST FRIEND!

This art is a tribute to the mud wizard of Lutzerath.
A monk in brown garb, shoving a police officer in into the mud. Another officer is on hands and knees strugling in the mud as a line of cops looks on in the background. The text reads 'IN A WORLD FULL OF COPS, BE A MUD WIZARD INSTEAD'

This art is about chilling out
Four mushroom folk, with red caps and blueish bodies stand on a bluff overlooking a city. two of the mushroom folk are having some beverages next to a picnic arangment in the purple grass of this bluf, one facing towards the viewer has an excelent beard and mustache. Farther back, a large mushroom person holds the hand of a wee mushroom friend and points to the sky in wonder. The sky is inspired by VanGough's Starry Night and is a swirl of blues, purples, greens and yellows, with a large yellow star in the top right.
LOOK AT THE FUNGI! LOOK AT THE SKY! This piece is inspired by the wonders of the universe, we'd do well to sit back and ponder silly things, like what might a mushroom think? or what if we made radical picnics with our friends more of a priority than the ol' grind?

This art is the first I made in a series of paintings around the Turtle Island motiife.
A great land turtle, with golden orange skin and icy blue eyes, carying many environments on their back. They wade in an endless shallow sea and behind them  you can see a sky filled wih stellar nebula, including the iconic Pillars of Creation. Lava and glacial meltwater flow off the turtle's back and you can see a chain on black basalt islands leading back towards the horizon
This painting was made before I was well acquainted with the indigenous creation stories of Turtle Island, the telling I know best being from Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall-Kimmerer. A world where we relize we depend on ALL our neighbors is the one I want to live in. We create the world together, us people folks, turtles, frogs, plant folk, the rocks, birds, water, fugi, its a great partnership from vast crucible of the Sun all the way down to the wee'est of microbes. And thats pretty neat.

Another Turtle, this one has resting Mitch McConnell face lol
A great Land Turtle with a mushroom forest on their back. They have black beady eyes and I may have used Mitch McConnell as a refernce. This turtle is however a cool dude despite the resemblance. They stand at the above a waterfall, giant lilly pads float in the waters and the sky is a cosmic backdrop of a dark void with a few bright white stars and a galaxy aglow with muted blues and purples. Our tutle friend is painted in an array of harvest colors and the fugi on their back are largly orange and brown shelf mushrooms, with a mix of red and brown caps and a few morrel inspired little guys.

Turtle number 3
This turtle is yellow skinned and is perched atop a range of purple mountains. They have a green shell with a blue belly, and a great firey-red tree grows on their back. The background is Starry Night inspired and is a swirl of blue with little yellow orbs implying distant worlds or stars
Mountains are the back bone of the world. PONDER THE HIGH PLACES AND THE VAST LOWLANDS!

Jormungandr and Yggdrasil
A depiction of Yggdrassil the World Tree as a stellar nebula, with a firey serpent wrapped round its roots. A branch extends from the tree and is inscribed with runes that read 'The way that is spoken is not the eternal way'. A great stag stands on the limb and blue whisps flow from its antlers to the Earth. The sun and moon are near by and a galaxy is in the distance, the cossmic background is mostly shades of dark purple and blue with scatterd stars
Norse myths and Taoism have influnced my ideas of the interconectedness of all things a great deal and this art was made as a gift to one of the teachers that has helped me to grow in my ideas tremendously. The tree that connects all worlds is a metaphor I have been happy to live by as I try to stride along the Green Way.